Sunday, September 17, 2017

Laney through the months

In preparation for Laney's first birthday, I guess it is time I finally catch up on her month to month pictures.  I haven't posted one since she was 4 months old!  I have taking them, but just not doing anything with them.  Time to fix that!  This is like a little walk down memory lane to get you ready for the big birthday.

Laney - 5 months old
This must have been a rough day - Laney's not even wearing pants.  Third child - pants are not necessary.

6 months
The pictures are getting harder.  Laney likes to wiggle and chew on everything! She started eating solids this month.  She loves rice cereal and is slowly warming to other flavors.  At her 6 month appointment, she weighed 16lbs 13oz (63%) and was 25.5in tall (31%).  At this appointment, she was referred to the ophthalmologist for being cross eyed.  She saw Dr. Jordan the following month (interesting fact - this is the eye doctor that comes to our NICU to check all the babies' eyes.  It was neat seeing her outside of work!).  The ophthalmologist said that she was not actually cross eyed.  She just appeared that way (pseudostrabismus) due to her wide nasal bridge and large epicanthal folds. She should just "grow into" her nose and outgrow the cross eyed appearance.

Will needed in. 
But then this happened...
 7 months
Laney is sitting up on her own.  She likes to eat, especially when she gets to hold her own spoon.  She has 4 very sharp little teeth.

 8 months
I remember this month being the one that I felt like Laney finally started sleeping better.  She would usually only wake up once or so in the night and even occasionally slept through the night. At 8.5 months, Laney started army crawling. She also said her first word - "Dada!" A little later she started saying "Mama"

 9 months
Another bad month for taking pictures. Looks like Will decided to get in on the action again.  At 9 months old, Laney started crawling and pulling up on things.  She loves to stand while holding onto any sturdy structure.  At her check up, she weight 19lbs 7oz (71%) and was 27.25in long (34%).

10 months

At 10 months old, I felt like Laney had a sleep regression and started waking frequently in the night again.  That was rough!

Hehe, looks like Laney is waving her fist at me, as if to say "Mom, why is he in this picture?"

This is what happens when a baby gets to feed herself yogurt.
11 months
Oh no, dress repeat! I didn't realize she wore that for her 7 month pics as well. Here is a picture of Eliana wearing that dress too! Must be a favorite. Laney has 8 teeth, sleeps terribly, and climbs on everything!

 So that's our year in review!

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