Monday, December 4, 2017

Gymnastics Class

One of the perks of half day kindergarten is that the kids are still able to do some fun classes together.  This fall William and Eliana have been taking a gymnastics class.  We have graduated from the "Mommy and Me" class to an actual class where I sit in the hall with Laney and watch. 

They start out on mats stretching and learning new skills.

The favorite of both - the forward roll.  You start out in Pencil with hands above the head.  Next is Mountain with hands on the ground.  Then...


Pencil, Mountain...

Roll! (this is a pretty common thing heard at my house lately).

Some of the other things they work on are swinging on or over the bars, handstands, frog jumps (or Dinosaur jumps in William's case), log rolls, and the balance beam.  There is also a lot of jumping on the trampoline.  That's where Will spends a good deal of class time.
Laney just walks around with me outside of class from one window to the next.  It is a great way to spend the morning and burn off some energy!

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