Thursday, July 26, 2012


Eliana has started saying her first word - "Mama"!  What a beautiful word that is, especially coming from her mouth.  She has been saying "meh-meh" for a while now and I liked to believe that she was saying mama.  But there is no denying it now.  She is definitely saying MAMA.  She said it over and over again last night.  I was so excited for Eliana to show off her new vocabulary to David when he came home from work.  He kept saying to her "Can you say Dada? Dada!" and Eliana would respond, "Mama ma ma ma."  When she was taking a bath last night, David could hear her all the way downstairs repeating Mama over and over again in the tub.  She is such a talker and cuter now than ever.  Oh, how fun it is to be a mother!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New toys

I pulled out some new toys for Eliana to play with.  She really liked her letter links.  We spelled words like BITE and MA and ELIAN (only have one A, so we couldn't spell her whole name).  I think her favorite new toy however is the coffee can.  It is great to chew on, roll, and put letters in.  What more could a girl want?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sweet Potatoes

Eliana has been reading a lot of books lately.  I think she was trying to give me a hint here.

Trying her first food besides breastmilk and rice cereal.  She's not so sure.

Starting to warm up to it.

Little bit of sweet potato on her face.

Now she has decided to take over.

Mmmm food!

All clean!
Eliana has been trying out some new food lately.  So far she has had sweet potatoes and peas, and loved them both!  I think it might be hard to find a food Eliana doesn't like haha.  She is also very independent and loves feeding herself.  Eliana always wants to grab the spoon out of our hands and do it on her own.  I have been surprised by her dexterity.  She can get the spoon in her mouth and gets most of the food in there too.  The only problem is when the jar is empty.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Look, I can stand! (As long as I have something to lean against)

I can sit too, but I am mad that Mom keeps taking my picture instead of feeding me.
Eliana has been standing leaning on something for quite a while.  She could do that before she could sit up unsupported.  But right at 5 months Eliana started sitting up on her own.  Guess this post is a little behind the times.  Also behind is her 6 month report.  We found a new pediatrician in Columbus.  She was of course enamored with Eliana's beautiful smile and personality.  Eliana weighed 17lb 12oz (75th percentile) which is exactly double her birth weight.  She is 27in long (80th percentile).  And perfect in every way!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

6 months old!

Look at me sitting up!

Eliana turned 6 months old on July 2nd.  Can you believe it has already been half a year since she was born?!  What a big girl!  She is starting to sit up on her own.  She babbles all the time and love to smile and flirt with everyone she sees.  Eliana is also starting to wave.  Instead of waving her hand though, she usually twists it, like she is turning a door knob.  She has her 6 month doctor appointment on Friday, so we will see how big she has gotten then, and I will let you know!

Happy 4th of July!