Saturday, June 28, 2014

Eliana's Nest

When I went into Eliana's room this morning, I found her bed pulled away from the wall and completely stuffed full of toys while Eliana was laying on the floor.  I have been storing the changing table pad under her bed until the baby shows up, but I guess she found it.  When I asked her what she was doing, she said "I'm sleeping on here because there is no room on my bed.  See, it is full!"  Every day I empty Eliana's bed from all the toys, and every night while she is supposed to be sleeping, Eliana fills it up again.  And not just with stuffed animals.  She puts everything in it, including hard toys like her doggie, shoes, books, dirty clothes, and even her large plastic stroller.  I guess she likes to sleep cuddled up in a tiny corner surrounded by friends.  This however was the first time she loaded it so full even she wouldn't sleep in it.  Well, at least her stuffed animal friends were comfy for the night. 

Father's Day

For Father's Day, the daycare had Donuts with Dad the Friday before.  David is on clinic this month, so he didn't have to get to work until later.  He was able to drop Eliana off at daycare and have breakfast with her.  She was so excited!  She kept saying, "Come on Dad, Donuts!" and motioning him towards the door.  I can tell you, she is never that motivated to get ready and leave with me in the morning.  Eliana looked so cute that morning wearing her new skirt.  I felt like she was so grown up.  Somehow sending her out the door with Daddy and not driving her myself, I had visions of her going off to school and being independent and a little girl, not my baby.  I seriously almost cried when she left.  But then I ate breakfast in peace by myself and decided it wasn't so bad. 

David and Eliana have a lot of fun together.  We were given a castle that Eliana loves!  She always wants me to come play in it with her, but I always tell her that "Mommy doesn't fit."  Daddy, however, fits just fine, so she can often convince him to crawl in there with her.  It is a tight squeeze, and sometimes the sides are bursting, but Eliana squeals in delight when he crams himself in. 

Daddy and Eliana having a tea party with Curly the bear inside the castle.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Baby Boy

Just a quick update.   I had an OB appt today (they are weekly now until the baby arrives) and it was not the most fun thing.  Each week they measure my belly to estimate the size/age of the baby.  Last week I was 37 weeks and measuring right at 37.  This week I am 38 weeks and measured at 36.  So the doctor was concerned because I was measuring smaller and two weeks behind where I should be.  So she did a quick ultrasound.  Of course, at this point, all kinds of terrible things are running through my head.  You never want to hear that the doctor is "a little concerned."  But the ultrasound was fine.  The baby looks good, and my fluid levels are good.  In the ultrasound, the baby's head was measuring at 39 weeks, his abdomen at 37 weeks, and his femur at 36 weeks.  It averaged him out to be 37 weeks 4 days, which is close enough to the 38 weeks 5 days that I am supposed to be.  Looks like I will just have another big headed baby like Eliana.  The whole thing just made me nervous, just in case I don't worry about things enough.  We have gone ahead and set the induction date "just in case" for July 10th.  Please continue to pray for a healthy baby and uncomplicated delivery.  I really don't want to get induced again, but if that has to happen, then it happens.  So maybe an extra prayer or two for the baby to show up before the 10th.  No matter what, looks like Baby Boy will be here at most in three weeks.