This year for Halloween, after much consideration, Eliana was a cat ... again (3rd year in a row). At first she had said she wanted to be a dog (which I was excited for the change). Then a mommy dog. Then a rainbow kitty. Finally she settled on a pink kitty with a purple belly and purple ears. Her outfit was pretty easy to make. I just used a pink sweatsuit as a base, then with hot glue added purple "fur" along the bottom of the pants and sleeves, a purple fur tail, foam ears with purple fur, and a big purple belly (attached with velcro so the zipper still worked on the jacket).
As for William, he decided to be a dog like Eliana, except he stuck with it even after Eliana switched to a cat. He was a yellow dog - a combination of Spot the dog and T-bone, a dog from Clifford. At the last minute, William told me he wanted to be a pumpkin, which is what he was last year, but I wouldn't let him. I had worked to hard on his costume. I wanted to do an outfit like Eliana's - use a yellow sweatsuit as a base and just add spots and a tail, but I could not find a solid yellow outfit. So I ended up just sewing one myself, using velcro to fasten it in the back. I wish I had taken a picture of William from the back (David was actually in charge of pictures Halloween night because I was nursing Laney, so I blame him). I added three spots and a tail with hot glue. It was so cute!
Magdalena was Snow White. Her costume was a gift from her Aunt Hannah, which was adorable. She attempted to trick-or-treat with us, but after half of a block in the stroller, she started crying, so I carried her the rest of the way. She was wrapped up in a blanket in my arms so no one could see her costume any more. That's ok though, she didn't need any candy anyway.
To celebrate Halloween, we dressed up at my sister Rebecca's apartment with all of the little cousins the Saturday before Halloween. The kids just played in their costumes for a bit and posed for pictures. Trying to get six kids all 4 years old and under to pose for a picture is ridiculous! (I must has had the wrong setting on my camera as everyone is a little blue.)
I couldn't find William's ears. And Laney didn't really want to participate. |
Trying to get everyone arranged. Hannah the monkey also wasn't so sure about participating. |
Oops, there goes the monkey |
And there goes Claire the lion... Shortly after this William tried to get up and dump Rosie the caterpillar on the grass. |
We did slightly better when we added in the grown ups.
Flanigan Halloween 2016 |
For Trick-or-Treating on Halloween night, we went with our friends Adele and Hannah again. Apparently while I was feeding Laney, a group picture was attempted but it was also a failure with 6 kids running in all different directions. Eliana, William, Adele, and Hannah all had a blast running from house to house. William was so adorable with his determined little strut up to each door, his little tail wagging behind him. He definitely like it better this year than last. I think I like Halloween almost as much as the kids just because I find them so adorable in their costumes. I hope they never grow up and want to be scary things for Halloween. Kitties and doggies are the best.
My little doggie - this time with his ears |
cutie! |
Best picture of Eliana from the night |
William riding with Hannah who was also Snow White! |
After trick-or-treating, enjoying their treats. This was the best picture of the two of them from the whole night. |
And the most adorable part of Halloween! |