Monday, May 7, 2012

Counting my blessings

Today David had an oncologist appointment and it made me think of how things have changed over the past three years.  May 15th, 2009 David asked me to marry him.  A few weeks later, he found a lump on his neck and suspected the worst.  June 30th he was told that he had lymphoma and our lives took a very different path than what we had been planning just a month and a half ago.  He started chemotherapy in August and thus began the very difficult battle of survival.  We didn't know if we would be able to get married, if David would finish school, or if he would even be here three years from now.  But look at us now.  God has blessed us beyond measure.  In March of 2010 David was told that he was officially in remission.  He was able to start back in medical school around that time.

June 5, 2010 "Two became One" and we got married!

We moved in together in this awesome apartment in Fountain Square.  David supported me as I switched jobs from St. Francis in the Adult Critical Care to Community Hospital in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. 

January 2, 2012 we welcomed our precious daughter into the world.  Eliana is a beautiful 4 month old now.

This past Saturday David completed the Mini Marathon in 2 hrs 10 mins.  How's that for a guy who used to get winded just walking around after getting radiation?

And next Saturday David will be graduating from IU School of Medicine and then beginning his residency at Ohio State.

How incredibly far we have come.  Three years ago I don't think I could have pictured all of this.  Two and a half years ago I used to lay with David after his chemotherapy when he was passed out from the drugs, just watching him breathe.  I prayed that he would keep on breathing.  In and out.  That's it.  But God has given us so much more.  I definitely couldn't have imagined all the joy we would share along the journey that has brought us to today.  As we were walking out of that oncologist appointment today with David receiving a clean bill of health, I just felt overwhelmed with emotion and with gratitude for the blessings God has poured on us.  And I thanked Him for always being there with us through it all.

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