The big beautiful bouquet that David surprised me with when he came home. It even has hypernicum berries, my favorite greenery! He's good. |
The best thing our marriage has made so far! |
Wednesday was David's and my three year anniversary. We celebrated by getting a sitter for Eliana then going out to dinner. Since the weather was so nice, we walked to a cute little neighborhood restaurant in Victorian Village called Basi Italia. It is a restaurant located down an alley in an old remodeled home. Despite it's inconspicuous location, Basi Italia is a very popular restaurant where you have to have reservations if you want to eat before 9:30pm. It was really cute, and we had a great time! After dinner we just walked around for a while enjoying the warm evening. It was a beautiful way to share some time together with just the two of us.
David has been really busy lately. He is on his last rotation of his Intern year of residency. This month he is on the inpatient liver service, so that means a lot of hours and working weekends. But come July 1st, David will no longer be an intern. He becomes an Upper Level Resident! This past weekend David was in Chicage for the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology Conference. The abstract of the research he did earlier in the year was accepted for a poster presentation, so David attended the conference and also presented his research. What a great experience for him! One of the big things that David learned from this conference is to book your hotel room early! haha. About 40,000 people attended the conference, so there were no hotel rooms left anywhere near the conference center. David ended up at the hotel by the airport and had an hour and a half commute each way to the conference. But at the conference he did get to talk to quite a few people and learn some things on the way. The biggest downside of this past weekend though was that David was out of town for the end of the year banquet for the OSU residency program. I am so incredibly proud of him. At the banquet, David would have been presented with the awards he had earned. First, he received the Excellence in Teaching award as voted by the Internal Medicine medical students. Only three Interns were honored with this award, and David was one of them. Then, David also earned the Intern of the Year award. This is huge! This award is voted on by the senior residents, and is only given to one intern. This award is something interns have been talking about and speculating on since the being of the year. What a great recognition of the hard work David has been putting in all year!
Quickly about me. I ran the Mini Marathon race in Indianapolis last month. I set a new PR for myself and finished in 2:05:06. That's 5 minutes faster than my goal time! I have to give a big thanks to my cousins Mindy and Kim for running most of the race with me and pushing me to go faster than I would have otherwise. Now that the race is over and I am done training, I have been relaxing a little more. Eliana and I have been hanging out with friends and going to the park a lot. The past few weeks I have been working with Eliana on her colors. I pick a color a week and focus on it. This week was "Red Week" so we talk about things that are red. I point out red objects in books that we read and in her room. I switched out some of her toys so that red ones were more prominent. I don't know how much she is picking up from these lessons, but she will say yellow ("loh-loh") and red ("reh") on command now but not necessary in context. Watching her learn more and more every day is so much fun! As a very special coworker said, I really am living the dream every day.