Saturday, June 24, 2017


Eliana and William sometimes offer to "babysit" Laney for a while.  Sometimes that goes better than others.  Eliana makes me nervous because she likes to pick Laney up and carry her around the house.  Laney thinks this is hilarious (usually).  Very luckily, Laney has not been dropped on her head yet.  William also likes to play with Laney at times, but he gets frustrated because Laney typically does not like to play with him. 

I was getting dressed one morning.  I left Laney on the floor of her siblings' room playing.  Then I found her in Eliana's bed with Eliana changing her diaper! She really is ready to start babysitting!

A sweet pajama party

Laney had been on the floor, but then I found her and her sister like this. Eliana had made her a "crib" full of toys and was blocking the side so she wouldn't roll out.

She takes it in stride though. Super smiley girl.

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