Thursday, October 26, 2017

William's first day of preschool

Will had a big change this year - he started school for the first time!  He is going to BEARS preschool two days a week in the Panda class (3 year old class).  This is what Eliana did a couple of years ago.  I was really nervous about how Will would do with school, as this is his first experience outside the house. (I even called the preschool director to talk about my concerns! You would think he was my first child by the way I was acting!)  Eliana was in daycare at 8 months old, but Will has always been at home with the nanny.  He seemed somewhat ambivalent about it too.  Some days he would be excited about picking out a new backpack for school and other days he would tell me that he was never going to school and wanted to stay home with me forever.  They had a meet and greet day at preschool the week before he started.  Kids could meet their teachers and play in the classroom for an hour while the parents stayed too.  Will was really excited about the dinosaurs and zoo animals and played happily the whole time.  However, when it was time to leave, Will got upset, threw himself down on the floor in a full blown tantrum, and had to be carried out of the room!  To top it off, he had an accident as we walked out of the school building.  So that sure didn't help with my nervousness about him starting school... I kinda had to laugh though as we were leaving because the whole situation was pretty ridiculous. 

The following Monday on the first day of school though, he did great!  At drop off, there were several kids crying in his classroom.  I was afraid that would get Will upset, but he just walked in very confidently and started playing with the dinosaurs again.  I stood around watching him for a minute or two, hoping a little that he would look up or need me.  But he didn't.  He's a big guy, older than I think sometimes.  His teachers, Mrs Mel and Mrs. Stanhope then asked if I needed something.  No, I said, I'm just simultaneously hoping that my son needs me and doesn't need me.  Just watching him for a few more seconds as he grows up before my eyes.

He continues to be a bit ambivalent about school.  Most preschool mornings he declares that he is not going to school that day.  But when it actually comes time to go to preschool, he happily grabs his backpack and will run into his classroom.  He has made a couple of friends, Parker and Asher, and seems to be having fun.  I'm really excited for my big guy.  I love hearing him tell me about the things he has done in school and the adventures he is having.  It's exciting for me to hear about the things he is doing outside the house and watch him change!

First day of Preschool

Eliana wanted to be part of the pictures too.

Laney didn't request to be in the pictures like Ana, but I thought she was pretty sweet that morning too.


Finding his leaf, which just so happens to be his favorite color: blue!
(P.S. There is another William in Will's class, so my son is Will B. and the other one is Will T. We have already gotten Will T's coat sent home in my son's backpack once.  Another time at pick up, probably the second week of school, the teacher sent Will T. out to me when I came to the door.  I said,"You're close, I am Will's mom, but not that Will!")

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