Thursday, May 16, 2013

Naming Body Parts

With the warm weather, Eliana and I have been spending a lot of time outdoors.  One of our favorite places is the front porch.  Eliana loves to play a game where she sits in all of the chairs.  She runs up to a chair, says "Sit!" and then reaches up for you to help her into the chair.  After a minute, she says "Dah!" (which means down) and then has you help her jump out.  I don't know why she thinks that is so fun, but we play that game a lot.  Another game we play is naming the body parts.  She knows quite a few now including feet, hair, belly, eyes, nose, and teeth.  She can also say "nose" and "eye" and likes to point them out on Mommy and Daddy's faces too.  Check out the pictures below to see some of Eliana pointing out her body parts...

Happy to be outside!
Keeping an eye on the street for people walking their "woof woof" (aka dogs).

Eliana found her head or hair!
And this is what happens when you ask her to find her nose! It totally cracks me up that she sticks her finger all the way up her nose when you ask her to point it out.  This whole blog post was just an excuse to be able to post this picture!

She is either finding her mouth or trying to blow a kiss.

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