Monday, April 7, 2014


A really fun place to take your kids in Columbus, OH is COSI, the children's museum downtown.  We just purchased a family membership to the museum and within a week had already been twice!  Almost all of the moms in my Mom's Group have a membership, so I bet we will really get a lot of use out of that card.  Eliana loves the little kids area that is basically an indoor play place.  They have slides and cars plus a farm area, farmer's market, house, and construction area.  It has baby dolls and a kitchen which are pretty much Eliana's favorite things.  Besides the play area, there are several rotating exhibits throughout the museum.  Right now they have one on the Ocean that Eliana also really likes.  It involves lots of water and splashing so she always ends of really wet.  Some of the exhibits are a little over Eliana's head, but she finds plenty of things to explore. 

Riding in the wagon with Theo.

Driving the ambulance.  They have a hospital/clinic theme that involves a lot of bandaids, the remedy to all ailments.

In the farm area.  Eliana is feeding the chicken an egg.  I guess they are cannibalistic chickens.

She is gathering up the eggs.

And feeding the eggs to the chicken again.
Riding a car.

Trip number two with Daddy.  Eliana and David played in the clinic area.  Eliana knew just what to do with the stethoscope.

Fixing up her baby.
By the way, do you happen to remember this picture from when Eliana was a baby?  It's in the genes.

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