Thursday, August 27, 2015


Life with two kiddos can be so crazy sometimes all the time.  Sometimes I feel bad for William because I don't feel like I give him as much attention as I did Eliana at his age.  When Eliana was little, I spent all my time entertaining her, reading to her, and playing with her.  Now my sweet William is so easy going, I just plop him down in from of a toy and say "Have fun!" and try to make lunch/fold laundry/clean something.  He is usually pretty content playing right up until Eliana comes and squishes him or steals his toy.  So I am attempting to do a few more focused activities with William like finger painting and playing with play dough together.  Here is our first attempt at painting.
Eliana is painting a rainbow with a paintbrush.  William is smearing his paint around by hand.

I would say this activity was a hit!  Painting was going well until...

William started playing "peek-a-boo" (instead of covering his eyes, he always just puts his hands on his head and then throws them up in the air).

Good look

Then he started eating the paint, which he discovered he didn't like.  At this point, I decided craft time was over and bath time needed to commence.
We have painted a few times since this.  William has not eaten any more paint, but paint in the hair is always a likely end.  Loving this activity so much, William actually cries when I stop putting paint on his tray.

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