Friday, February 3, 2017

Wacky Weather

We have had some really strange weather this winter.  A couple of weeks ago, the temperatures were in the 50s and even hit 60 or more a few days.  My daffodils are starting to peek through the ground!  Those silly flowers don't realize that we have lots of cold weather to come and they shouldn't try to bloom yet.  After the spring weather, we had a little bit of snow (Eliana's favorite) and then the past couple of days have been very cold with a bitter wind chill.  What is going on?  In preschool on Thursday, Eliana learned about Groundhog's Day.  This year Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow which is supposed to mean 6 more weeks of winter.  For some reason though Eliana got things mixed up and thought that meant spring was coming soon. She was in tears because she said we haven't had enough snow yet.  Even though I have enjoyed the warm days outdoors, I would have to agree with her.  What a wacky winter!

50 degree day means we took a walk to the park!  I love how much these two play together better.  Eliana loves to make up games and William loves to follow her lead. (sometimes...)

Then we had a 60+ degree day so another trip to the park.  The kids spent a good 1/2  hour running around the playground but then the rest of the time they were playing in the mud around the playground.  They found some tree branches to haul around.  Then they found a puddle to throw a bunch of rocks in.  Last, they found some mud to tromp through.  We finally had to leave to go home when William got his boots stuck in the mud and fell.  He was covered in mud from head to toe - literally!  When we got to the van, I made him strip down and ride home in just his diaper.  Good thing it was warm!  Then I threw him in the tub when we got home.  That was so much fun!  I was slightly inclined at first to tell the kids not to play in the mud because it was too messy.  I'm so glad I didn't and let them just be kids.  We had a blast and I laughed so hard when I pulled my dirty mess of a son out of the mud.  This is what childhood is for!

This cutie took a little nap in my lap in the sun.

When she woke up, we tried out the swing for the first time ever.

I think she liked it!

Looking for rocks to throw in the puddle.  This was a little before the great mud fall.
 A mere five days later, we were playing in the snow in our front yard!

First snowman of the season.

Eliana was so excited and so proud! Note William playing in the dirt in the background.  Typical Will.

Snowball fight.
Hopefully we get some more snow before spring.  We love it in this household!

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