Sunday, June 24, 2012

A day in the park

Eliana read the map for us.
The trail went through a wildflower field, wooded area, and wetlands.

Taking a break.

Look at my two teeth!

Picnic time!

I love standing.

I also love it when Daddy tosses me up in the air!
Saturday was David's last day off before he started working his inpatient rotation in the ICU, so we went to a park right outside of Columbus for a stroller ride and picnic.  David and I both commented on how compact Columbus is and how it was neat that there would be a park like this so close to downtown.  Eliana has wanted to be held all the time lately.  She only tolerates being put down for a few minutes before she starts crying (which you wouldn't be able to tell from these pictures, they are deceptively happy).  As long as she is being held, she is all smiles and giggles.  But put her in that stroller and bring on the tears.  So while our walk wasn't too long, it was nice to be out in nature for a while.

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