Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First Day of Preschool

Today was Eliana's first day of preschool at Overbrook Preschool.  She is in the two year old class just one day a week.  She is going with her good friend Adele, so I know she is going to love it.  The girls held hands all the way into the classroom.  So cute!  Today was basically a get to know you session.  Preschool only lasted an hour, and all the moms stayed to help the kiddos get used to the new class.  Eliana of course did great.  I'm not too worried about her at preschool since she has been going to daycare for so long.  The hardest part is just drop off.  She ALWAYS cries when I leave.  Usually she has to be peeled off of me and held until I make it out the door.  But within 30 seconds, she is fine and having fun.  She just cries long enough to activate my mommy guilt.  I know she is going to have a lot of fun, especially with her best friend there.  Plus, it gives William and me a morning to spend together, which I am really looking forward to!

By the way, here is a picture from Eliana's last day of daycare.  They had an ice cream party (not just for Eliana, but for all of the kids who were "graduating") and gave Eliana a Dr. Seuss book.  She had a blast!  William and I got to come too, but I ate all of William's ice cream.

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