Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Indy Trip some more

As I mentioned in a previous post, I went to Indy for a while to visit family and friends since David was working so hard.  I spent Sunday with David's family where Eliana had a blast playing with her uncles and aunt, the dog and cats, and her grandparents.  She got to go to the playground, and she spent quite a bit of time commanding Mindy (the dog) around.  William basically slept and ate the whole time, so I guess that means he enjoyed it too!

Monday morning I took the kids to visit my grandma, their great-grandma, which was really nice.  Then that afternoon, my parents took us to the Indiana State Fair. 

Eliana was not sleeping well on the trip, so she was really tired.  She wanted to be carried everywhere we went.  She would fuss and cry about doing anything, until she realized it was fun, and then she would cry when it was time to move on.  One of her favorite activities was feeding the goats even though one goat bit her.  She topped off the trip to the fair by peeing her pants and then throwing up.  Fun times!

On Tuesday, I visited with my friend Deanna and her two kids.  Her son Leo is 6 months older than Eliana, and her daughter Silvia is 9 months younger, so they all got along and played together really well.  William basically just slept, as per his usual.
The temperature was in the upper 60s that morning.  What's wrong with Indiana.  Don't you know it is August?  I didn't know I needed to pack a coat and pants!

Picking flowers
Our last day we visited with my friends Stephanie N and her new daughter Eliza, and Stephanie M and her two kids.  It was so great getting to meet Eliza, who is a week younger than William (although she is a petite little girl so William looked like he could crush her).  I forgot my camera, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures of all that baby cuteness.  After such a long visit, my kids were exhausted, so I had a very pleasant drive home Wednesday afternoon with two sleeping babies in the back of the van.  I am so glad I got to take this little trip while I was on maternity leave.

1 comment:

  1. aww! good times. Leo saw the pictures and was then talking about going to COSI with Eliana
