Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Except for this unexpect cold front last week, we have been enjoying an early spring.  I love being outside with the kids.  I also love flowers, so just as soon as I could, I planted pots and pots of violas and ranunculus.  Eliana helped me plant them, telling me where each one should go.  William "helped" me dig in the dirt and spread it all over the patio and front step. 

Eliana watering my daffodils.  I transplanted the bulbs from my grandmother's garden last spring.  They didn't bloom this year, which I am not sure if it was because this is the first year after the transplant or because this yard has the rockiest soil known to man.

Ranunculus (one of my absolute favorite flowers!) and violas on the front step.
Here are some pictures of our early spring activities:

We got a bird feeder.  Eliana painted it many colors.  Will and Eliana both enjoy filling it with birdseed.  We can birdwatch from the large front window of the living room, although you are just as likely to see squirrels eating from it as birds.  Which actually is just as exciting for the kids as the bird.

Playing outside.  This scene would make David proud.  Eliana usually has no interest in balls or playing/throwing/kicking balls of any type.  But this one particular day, she wanted to play soccer, and kicked her ball around in the back yard for a long time.  It was the most athletic I have ever seen her.

William loves sticks. You can constantly see him on walks or just wandering around in the backyard holding a stick of some size or another.  While Eliana is usually interested in outside toys such as chalk or bubbles, William is content to just poke at the ground or whack a tree with a stick.

Both kids were happy about the "reopening" of the sandbox this spring.  Now I am back to having tons of sand in the house all the time.  Eliana's bed feels like a sandbox at times!

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