Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ohio State Fair

Checking out the goats

Michael is feeding the water buffalo.

That one licked her foot!  She didn't exactly like it.

If you look closely, that sign says Jim and Helen and Family - what a coincidence!

Eliana won a doggie at the fair.

Chocolate Covered Bacon (aka Muddy Pigs)

Root Beer Float

Someone is worn out!
Last Thursday David, Eliana and I went to the Ohio State Fair along with my brother Michael.  Coming from Indiana, I had pretty high standards for the State Fair.  I've always loved going and often went multiple times a year.  Well, Ohio, your State Fair just can't compete with Indiana.  The Ohio State Fair was nice, but much much smaller than Indiana's.  Definitely no need for a second visit.  But I must admit, it did have a really nice petting zoo with some interesting animals (crazy long legged rabbits, water buffalo, camels, even a kangaroo).  

It is kinda crazy to think that this is the very first time Eliana has been to a petting zoo and seen a goat or touched one.  Can you remember the first time you petted a goat?  Probably not.  Before this, she had no idea goats even existed.  What an adventure every day must be for her.  It's the same for grass.  The first time her feet touched grass, she started to cry.  I wasn't thinking much about it, and on a nice day I just set her in the grass to play.  She immediately started crying and wanted to be picked up.  I realized she had no idea what grass was or what she was feeling.  Being born in the winter, she had only been on the floor or carpet before.  We have sat her in the grass a few more times since then and she is getting used to it.  But even grass is a new and scary experience for her.  Eliana really opens my eyes up to what an amazing world we live in.  How much I take for granted every day!

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