Friday, July 29, 2016

Last day of school

I realize it is almost August and most kids are starting to think about the first day of school.  However, I couldn't resist posting this cute pictures from back in May.  Eliana's preschool celebrated the end of the school year with a school wide picnic.  Adele's mom had to work, so she dropped Adele off at our house in the morning.  We played at the house until the picnic which was at Fancyburg Park.  Holly came to the park during her lunch break from work and took Adele to her sitter's after lunch.  We had a ton of fun that morning!  Eliana seemed a little disappointed at the picnic because her closest girl friend (besides Adele) didn't come, but she did spend a lot of time playing with "the nice Jack."  There were two Jacks in her class, one was the nice one and one was the mean one.  Although she did play with both Jacks at the picnic...
I think Eliana really enjoyed the school year and will be excited to go back this September.  At the end of the year, she talked a lot about the four year old class that she is going to be in, and all the things the "older" kids are allowed to do.  She will be going four mornings a week next year, which seems crazy!  But just a year after that she will be in kindergarten five mornings a week.  What a big girl she is!!

Going to pick up the girls on the last day.  William and Hannah were so cute holding hands.  They have become such good friends.

Morning of the picnic.  The girls were playing dress-up and William joined right in.  He also ended up with bunny ears.

I think the sticks were magic wands...  William is cracking me up!

At the picnic at Fancyburg Park.

My cutie eating her lunch.

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